讲座主题: Person-environment fit in a boundaryless career world (无边界职业生涯中的个人-环境匹配)
Person-environment (P-E) fit is one of the most important research areas in organizational management. The current presentation will focus on the role of P-E fit in employees’ work attitudes and performance, as well as the antecedents of P-E fit. The presenter will use social identity theory, ego-depletion theory, as well as career construction theory to introduce his work in this field. The first half of the presentation will focus on the mechanisms that account for the effects of P-E on work-related outcomes; the second half will cover research on how career adaptabilityenables individuals to achieve P-E fit in a boundaryless career world. Future research directions will be discussed.
报告人介绍:管延军博士目前在英国杜伦大学商学院担任正教授职务,2010年至2014年曾在中国人民大学劳动人事学院先后担任讲师及副教授,2014年至2016年在英国萨里大学担任副教授。研究领域为职业生涯发展、组织行为学以及跨文化管理,已在相关领域发表SSCI国际期刊论文50余篇,在组织行为学领域的合作研究曾发表于《Personnel Psychology》,《Journal of Management》,《Journal of Vocational Behavior》,《European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology》,《Applied Psychology: An International Review》等期刊。在跨文化研究领域的合作研究曾发表于Nature子刊《Nature Climate Change》,《Journal of Personality and Social Psychology》,《Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin》,《Psychological Science》,《Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology》等期刊。2015年起管延军博士担任《Journal of Vocational Behavior》的编委,并在2018年3月被任命为该期刊的副主编。