

学术报告:Impacts of the Platform-based Sharing Economy on the U.S. Labor Market

发布日期:2018-08-02 00:00 点击次数:

讲座题目:Impacts of the Platform-based Sharing Economy on   the U.S. Labor Market






张中举博士毕业于华盛顿大学管理科学与信息系统专业,亚利桑那州立大学凯利商学院信息管理系统终身副教授、博士生导师。加入亚利桑那州立大学之前曾在康州大学商学院运营与信息管理系任职终身副教授,并且是康州大学数据分析和项目管理硕士学位的创始人。对体验式教学和高层经理培训有着广泛的经验和背景。张中举的研究方向主要是基于数据分析的互联网技术对个人和公司的决策支持,模式创新,行为探索。他目前的研究项目包括:互联网合作平台的运营,管理,激励机制及影响;共享经济及其影响;网络代购对公司战略决策的影响;基于大数据的文本分析与知识管理。很多成果发表在MIS Quarterly、Information Systems Research、Decision Support Systems、Decision Sciences Journal等国际顶级期刊,并获得2010年信息管理系统最佳论文奖,康州大学商学院科研优秀成果奖(2011年),最佳工商管理硕士教学奖(2010年)等;现任MIS Quarterly客座副编辑,DSS与ECRA副编辑;从2004年起为包括通用电器(General Electric),Aetna等公司在IT、市场和运作方面进行过广泛的咨询服务。



Digital platforms have fundamentally changed traditional business models. In recent years, a new sharing-economy platform, which leverages information technology (IT) to re-distribute unused or underutilized assets to people who are willing to pay for the services, has received tremendous attention. In this paper, we seek to examine the impacts and implications of the sharing platform (specifically Uber) on the labor market. Assembling a data set of measurements about the labor force,the employment/unemployment rate as well as the entry points of Uber into multiple metropolitan areas, we are able to use a difference-in-difference method to investigate whether the above measures before and after Uber entry are significantly different across the urban areas. We find empirical evidence that platform-based sharing economy decreases the unemployment rate and increases the labor force participation. We also find evidence of a shift in the supply of low skill workers from traditional low-skill jobs to the sharing economy sector and consequently an increased wage rate for those workers in the traditional industries. Explanations and insights of our findings are discussed in the paper.


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