1. Li, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, Y. & Ding, R*. (2024), "Exploring the Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on the Sustainable Delivery of International Engineering Projects: A Configurational Approach", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, pp. 1-16.
2. Li, Y., Cui*, L., Wu, L., Lowry, P. B., Kumar, A. & Tan, K. H. (2024), "Digitalization and network capability as enablers of business model innovation and sustainability performance: The moderating effect of environmental dynamism", Journal of Information Technology.
3. Li, Y., Li, D., Liu, Y. & Shou, Y*. (2023), "Digitalization for supply chain resilience and robustness: The roles of collaboration and formal contracts", Frontiers of Engineering Management, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 5-19.
4. Cui, L., Jin, Z., Li, Y.* & Wang, Y. (2023), "Effects of control mechanisms on supply chain resilience and sustainability performance", Australian Journal of Management, Vol. 48 No. 2, pp. 323-340.
5. Li, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, L.* & Xie, J. (2022), "Investigating the effects of stakeholder collaboration strategies on risk prevention performance in a digital innovation ecosystem", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 122 No. 9, pp. 2045-2071.
6. Li, Y., Sun, H.*, Li, D., Song, J. & Ding, R. (2022), "Effects of Digital Technology Adoption on Sustainability Performance in Construction Projects: The Mediating Role of Stakeholder Collaboration", Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 38 No. 3, pp. 04022016.
7. Cui, L., Wu, H., Lang, X.* & Li, Y. (2021), "Exploring circular supply chain practices from a dual perspective: using a hybrid method under uncertainty", International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-24.
8. Shou, Y., Prester, J. & Li, Y.* (2020), "The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Supply Chain Collaboration and Business Performance", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 67 No. 1, pp. 92-104.
9. Li, Y., Dai, J. & Cui, L. (2020), "The impact of digital technologies on economic and environmental performance in the context of industry 4.0: A moderated mediation model", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 229107777.
10. Li, Y., Sun, T., Shou, Y.* & Sun, H. (2020), "What Makes a Competent International Project Manager in Emerging and Developing Countries?", Project Management Journal, Vol. 51 No. 2, pp. 181-198.
11. Li, Y., Xu, L., Sun, T.* & Ding, R. (2020), "The impact of project environmental practices on environmental and organizational performance in the construction industry", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 367-387.
12. Li, Y., Ding, R., Cui, L., Lei, Z.* & Mou, J. (2019), "The impact of sharing economy practices on sustainability performance in the Chinese construction industry", Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 150104409.
13. Li, Y., Shou, Y.*, Ding, R., Sun, T. & Zhou, Q. (2019), "Governing local sourcing practices of overseas projects for the Belt and Road Initiative: A framework and evaluation", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 126212-226.
14. Shou, Y., Hu, W., Kang, M., Li, Y.* & Park, Y. W. (2018), "Risk management and firm performance: the moderating role of supplier integration", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 118 No. 7, pp. 1327-1344.
15. Shou, Y., Li, Y., Park, Y. & Kang, M. (2018), "Supply chain integration and operational performance: The contingency effects of production systems", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 24 No. 4, pp. 352-360.
16. Shou, Y., Li, Y.*, Park, Y. W. & Kang, M. (2017), "The impact of product complexity and variety on supply chain integration", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 47 No. 4, pp. 297-317.
(* Corresponding author)