1 《我国高新技术产业开发区政策与管理》.科学出版社,2020年
2 《中外公司跨国并购与整合比较》.中国商务出版社,2018年
3 《三井论坛论文集》(1-4卷).北京大学出版社
4 《中国公司国际化战略:案例研究》.北京大学出版社,2015年
5 《世界经典文化产业园区》.中国建筑工业出版社,2015年
6 《中国公司国际化战略:理论探讨与实证研究》.北京大学出版社,2014年
7 《竞争政策与公司监管》.香港商务印书馆,1998年
8 “中国公司的集团化”,载于 《中国大趋势》.香港商务印书馆,1997年
9 “对策论与竞争战略”,载于《经济学新论》.香港商务印书馆,1993年
10 《中国专利制度的演化与科技创新》.中国科技指标研究会,中澳联合研究项目,1992年
11 Internationalization of China’s Enterprises and Its Implication for Europe, in The Emergence of Southern Multinationals: Their Impact on Europe, edited by Louis Brennan, Palgrave Macmillan ,2011.?
12 Firm’s Behavior in a Mixed market: the Case of China, with David Li, in China's Domestic Private Firms: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on Management and Performance, edited by Anne Tsui, Yanjie Bian, Leonard Cheng, M.E. Sharpe, 2006.
13 GATT/WTO Accession and Productivity, with David Li, in National Bureau of Economic Research: East Asia Seminar on Economics series Volume 13, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Andrew Rose, The University of Chicago Press, 2004.
14 Comments on Chen Chien-Hsun and Shih Hui-Tzu “Initial Public Offering and Corporate Governance in China's Transitional Economy”, in Privatization, Corporate Governance and Transition Economies, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger, National Bureau of Economic Research: East Asia Seminar on Economics series Volume 12, The University of Chicago Press, 2003.
15 Reforming State-Owned Enterprises: Diversifying Ownership versus Improving Management, with David Li, in The Management of Enterprises in the People’s Republic of China, ed by Anne S. Tsui and Chung-Ming Lau, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
16 Development of Foreign Direct Investment and Evolution of Industrial Structure: Case of Hong Kong, with Larry Qiu, IDE-JETRO, Japan, 2002.
17 Evolution of the Patent System and Innovation in China, in “Science and Technology Indicators and their Policy Application: The Chinese and Australian Experience, Australia, 2001.
18 Hong Kong’s Business Regulation in Transition, with Leonard K. Cheng, in Deregulation and Interdependence, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. East Asia Series on Economics, volume 8, the University of Chicago Press, 2000.
19 Comments on Hirotaka Yanauchi's "Toward a More Liberal Sky in Japan: An Evaluation of Policy Change" in Deregulation and Interdependence, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. East Asia Series on Economics, volume 8, the University of Chicago Press, 2000.
20 Competition Policy and Regulation of Business, with Leonard K. Cheng, Hong Kong: the City University of Hong Kong Press, 1998.
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2 中国国有公司管理研究的发展与演变[J].南开管理评论,2019,22(04):69-79+102.
3 中国公司出口优势升级路径及其影响机制——以通讯设备制造业为例[J].国际经贸探索,2018,34(09):31-47.
4 新经济视角下公司组织管理创新路径研究[J].现代管理科学,2018(09):64-66.
5 业务战略对IT投资效果的驱动作用研究——以中国移动互联行业为背景[J].科学学与科学技术管理,2017,38(03):70-82.
6 孵化支持会促进创业公司增加研发投入吗?——在孵公司研发人力资源的调节作用[J].研究与发展管理,2017,29(02):20-28
7 国有公司集团公司治理与代理成本——来自国有上市公司的实证研究[J].经济管理,2016,38(08):55-67.
8 本土化还是一体化:中国跨国公司海外子公司网络嵌入的多阶段模型[J].南开管理评论,2016,19(01):16-29.
9 协同创新网络演进研究——以腾讯开放平台为例[J].经济与管理研究,2015,36(12):90-98.
10 移动互联网市场中的垄断行为与反垄断政策研究——以高通、腾讯为例[J].管理现代化,2015,35(05):39-41.
11 中国移动互联网市场结构现状与发展态势分析[J].管理现代化,2015,35(05):1-3.
12 中国移动互联网产业生态系统优化策略[J].管理现代化,2015,35(05):7-9.
13 制度理论视角下公司社会责任的选择性参与[J].经济与管理研究,2015,36(09):110-120.
14 公司参与创建科技公司孵化器的生态嵌入——来自全国31个省级行政区的证据[J].经济管理,2015,37(04):21-31.
15 一个基于国内外比较研究的崭新理论框架[J].现代管理科学,2015(02):6-8.
16 制度缺失下的公司愿景——公司集团和结构洞的替代作用[J].现代财经(天津财经大学学报),2015,35(02):49-60.
17 A Global Perspective of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in China.Multinational Business Review,2016, 26(4) 302-318.
18 Internationalization Strategies of Emerging Market Multinationals:A Five M Framework. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 2015,23(2) 128-143.
19 How Does Inward FDI Hinder or Promote Outward FDI? Three Cases in Chinese Automotive Industry, Frontier of Business Research in China,2015, 9(2), 268-292.
20 Tiger without Teeth: Regulation of Administrative Monopoly under China’s Anti-Monopoly Law.Review of Industrial Organization, 2012,41(1-2), 133-155.